- Requires no client software on workstations
- Supports domain keys, group keys,
and individual keys
- Cost effective pricing makes email
encryption affordable
- Low cost of ownership as support
is included in most versions
SecExMail Corporate edition ships with both the SecExMail
Corporate Edition Client and SecExMail
Gateway. SecExMail Gateway should be installed on your
LAN but only remote machines (logging in via the internet)
need to install SecExMail Corporate Edition Client. This means
that deploying secure email across your LAN/WAN requires minimal
effort. SecExMail's automated key handling ensures that users
cannot inadvertently send confidential messages in clear text.
The diagram below shows the interaction between normal e-mail
clients, such as Microsoft Outlook, SecExMail Gate, SecExMail
Corporate Client and existing email servers.
Email encryption
has never been this easy!