Commercial Use Allowed: This means
that you are not limited to home or private use. Corporations
are free to download and use this encryption product but please
note, there is no support. Use our Forums
to ask questions and get assistance from other users. |
Support Included: Bytefusion will provide support for this product and updates
are available free within the major version number. This means that
updates up to 2.0 are provided free. |
Interoperates with all SecExMail Versions: Allows users of any version of SecExMail to
send encrypted email to users of any other version. Your privacy is
not compromised whether you send secure email to a friend or a
company. |
SMTP Privacy Filters: Allows you to filter information out of the e-mail header which
contains information about you when you send email. Almost all
e-mail clients include such information. For privacy, it is often
advisable to remove this information. Most secure email or email
encryption utilities cannot remove these, especially if they
operate as a plugin. SecExMail protects your privacy by removing
all information not necessary for the delivery of your encrypted
message. |
Group Keys: Allows one
key to be used by a group of people. For corporations who want
security without risking information being locked up in an
employee's computer when they leave, this is the perfect solution.
Personal keys, if present, are used in preference to group keys,
thereby giving a flexible security policy to any corporate email
system. Reduces administration as a key for each employee need not
be generated. In other words, secure, encrypted email without
inconvenience. |
Supports SSL Connection: A Secure Sockets Layer connection to your email server
protects your account passwords from being "sniffed" on the net.
Normal email clients transfer passwords in clear text over the
internet as defined in the RFC's for the POP3 and SMPT protocols.
If somebody is able to snoop your passwords once, they can check
your email at will. If you don't encrypt your email, you have no
privacy. If you do have secure email but no SSL connection, you
have a higher level of privacy. The most secure email system is
however encryption and SSL Connection. |
SecEx Gateway: SecEx
Gateway is an SSL e-mail proxy. See above explaination of SSL and
it's benefits. A certificate is issued with each SecEx Gateway to
ensure that no "spoofing" occurs. This allows roaming employees to
send and receive email from any location and be sure that nobody is
intercepting their communications. Privacy while on the
road! |
Pay Only Once: Many software companies want you to pay each year to use
the software. Some even go so far as to make you pay extra for
support - every year. With SecEx Mail, you pay once only and
support is included. Note: The Offshoremailroom version of SecEx
Mail is provided free for people subscribing to Offshoremailroom
which is a secure email account provider. See for
more details of this service. |