E-Mail Export Shield supports the "mbox" format used by Mailx (Berkley Mail), the format in use by most major Unix systems. Often the mail spool files maintained by a POP3 daemon on a Unix system are also stored in this format.
To access a user's mbox file, you must have root privileges or have ownership of the file. If your PC has a network connection to the Unix host either via NFS (Network File System) or SMB (Server Message Block), you can access the mbox files directly from your PC. Otherwise you will need to copy or download them.
Usually, a user's mail is kept in his or her home directory. In order for E-Mail Export Shield to find this file it must start with the letters mbox.
Technical Note :
E-Mail Export Shield will convert a Unix "line feed" to a "line feed - carriage return" sequence that is compatible with DOS text files.
Trademarks :
All trademarks shown, including but not limited to DOS, Unix, Mailx, and Berkley Mail are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. No associations are implied.