NTPQuery - NTP Server Diagnostic Tool

NTPQuery is a diagnostic tool for NTP and SNTP servers. Our support department uses it to verify connectivity from time clients to NTP servers. NTPQuery is available free of charge to our customers to help administrators setup and configure time management on their networks. NTPQuery simulates a time client, displaying detailed information about the client request and the server reply without actually modifying the local system time.
Time Client Query
- Send to: Time server IP address
- NTP Port: Port # at which the server has been contacted
- On: Date and time on client when query was sent
- Seconds UTC: Seconds elapsed on client since 1/1/1970
- T1 Low: Low order double-word of time stamp
- T1 High: High order double-word of time stamp
- GMT Offset (s): Zone difference in seconds to GMT
Time Server Reply
- Server : Time server IP address
- Round-Trip Delay (ms) : Total time elapsed in milliseconds between sending time request and receiving reply
- Root Delay (s): Delay to root time source in seconds as reported by server. Stratum 1 servers likely report zero for this parameter
- Root Dispersion (s) : Estimated variance of time reported by server with respect to root time source
- Offset (s) : Time offset between client and server as computer from time stamps T1,T2,T3 & T4
- T1 Low : Low order double-word of client time stamp, when request was sent
- T1 High : High order double-word of client time stamp, when request was sent
- T2 Low : Low order double-word of server time stamp, when request was received
- T2 High : High order double-word of server time stamp, when request was received
- T3 Low : Low order double-word of server time stamp, when reply was sent
- T3 High : High order double-word of server time stamp, when reply was sent
- T4 Low : Low order double-word of client time stamp, when reply was received
- T4 High : High order double-word of client time stamp, when reply was received
Download a Time Server Demo
To download your Free copy of NTP Query Tool, please visit the Download section of our website.