
Windows Time Client

Undocumented Options

The following options are available via registry key settings only. If you do not know how to edit the registry or are unsure of the ramifications, please do not attempt to modify/add/delete any of the registry keys.

Aggressive Memory Trim

If you're running on a dedicated machine with plenty of memory, you can turn off the aggressive memory trimming. This will increase the memory footprint but reduce the work load of the virtual memory manager.

The registry entry is called bTrimMem and should be set to 0 instead of the default 1.

The full path to the key is:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bytefusion\PresenTense Server\Parameters\bTrimMem

Startup Wizard

When PresenTense Time Client starts for the first time, a wizard attempts to configure settings such that the client synchronizes to the closest web based Internet Time Server. If you are remotely installing or using DHCP to configure the PresenTense Time Client, this may not be desirable. If you do not want the wizard to be activated, set the key bWatchdog to 0.

The full path to the key is:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bytefusion\PresenTense Server\Parameters\bWatchdog

Alarm Email Action

Blind copy email address (BCC)

The user interface supports a To: email address however a BCC address is also available. All alarm email messages sent to the To: will also be blind copied to the BCC email address if configured.

The full path to the key is:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bytefusion\PresenTense Server\Parameters\cSMTPBCC